Backbone Botanicals is a line of culinary and digestive bitters. Designed for cocktails, non-alcoholics, culinary arts and medicinal remedies to optimize and harmonize health. Formulated with traditional holistic herbalist principals, born from Ayurveda.

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Backbone Botanicals was created to provide the purest and most ethically sourced line of digestive bitters. Our herbs are purchased directly from reputable farmers using certified organic farming practices.

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Made with reverence in Nelson, BC.

Local pickup available at Red Light Ramen Bar during business hours.


We would like to respectfully acknowledge that we are on the unceded, ancestral, traditional and occupied territories (tum-ula7xw) of the Sinixt Nation. The Sinixt were wrongfully declared extinct by the Canadian government in 1956 but have lived on these lands since time immemorial and continue to do so today. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves, to listen and support the Sinixt nation and to stop participating in systems that harm others.